A Church Near You

St Giles Church, The Street

Alderton SN14 6NL

Administrator: Alison Withers   

01666 825019


Community Church 12th century  village church St Giles  Alderton Email: stgilesalderton@outlook.com

Home Page

Church History

St Giles Services

St Giles Ministry Team

Friends of St Giles

Alderton Village Events

Gauzebrook Churches

About the Saint Giles

St Giles Children & Youth


Historic Village Church

Our grade 11 listed church in the small village of Alderton is dedicated to St Giles an 7th century french Abbot, who gave much of his time to the care of lepers. It is thought that the church dates from about the 11th or 12th century, although there was an extensive rebuild in the 19th century when a spire was also added to the tower. The church was largely rebuilt during the renovation of the 19th century (1844-45) undertaken by James Thomson using elements from the 12th to 15th century church. The original features that remained after this included pointed arches, the roof of the nave, the Saxon pillars of the north door and most of the tower.


The Gauzebrook Group consists of 8 rural parishes in North Wiltshire. We are part of the Diocese of Bristol in the Church of England.


St Giles has a set of 6 bells that were refurbished a few years ago with a Millennium Fund grant . We have  a team of bell ringers with practice every Thursday.

To hear the bells click on the image above

Font still in its original position after the rebuild.

Many thanks to those from the village and beyond who braved the freezing cold for the meeting on the 16th January. I think it is fair to say that the general view was that such a unique village church should not be forced to close through lack of funds. We have already started to receive donations - thank you. Our bank details are below should you wish to join us in the fight to keep the doors open. Any contribution no matter how small would be gratefully received.

Sort Code: 30-65-22

Account Number: 81269868


Bank Account Details

Next Service

 Sunday 3rd  November

 @ 9.30am